Behavior guidance that works

Guiding Students’ Behavior

Too often we think of students’ behavior as an “add-on” – something extra that we “have” to do that is really outside the scope of our work.  Actually, guiding students’ social-emotional states isn’t “extra” at all.  It is mission critical.

The Whole Child

Transformed teachers know that they aren’t just there for their students’ cognitive needs… they are a guiding force in human development and growth.

It’s all connected

Teachers will learn in Rick’s Behavior Guidance workshop how peak intellectual performance and growth is inextricably tied to the social, emotional, and physical.

Band-Aid on a bullethole

Old, outdated methods of behavior “management” do more harm to our students than good as we try to force square pegs into round holes.

heart-centered teaching

In Rick’s Behavior Guidance workshop, participants learn to lead from the heart and assume the role-model mentality as they guide students’ cognitive, social, and emotional growth.

How to experience rick’s Behavior Guidance workshop